Picture It Paint It
Experience It
/0{{total_slide_count}} Bob Anderson Art telling artistic stories.
Where it's OK to paint pain, behold beauty & ignite joy.
Art Stories &
Fantastical Expressions
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Picture It Paint It
Experience It
/0{{total_slide_count}} Bob Anderson Art telling artistic stories. Where it's OK to paint pain, behold beauty & ignite joy. Art Stories &
Fantastical Expressions
Step Inside 0{{current_slide_index}}
Picture It Paint It
Experience It
/0{{total_slide_count}} Bob Anderson Art telling artistic stories. Where it's OK to paint pain, behold beauty & ignite joy. Art Stories & Fantastical Expressions Step Inside 0{{current_slide_index}}
Picture It Paint It
Experience It
/0{{total_slide_count}} Bob Anderson Art telling artistic stories. Where it's OK to paint pain, behold beauty & ignite joy. Art Stories & Fantastical Expressions Step Inside 0{{current_slide_index}}
Picture It Paint It
Experience It
/0{{total_slide_count}} Bob Anderson Art telling artistic stories. Where it's OK to paint pain, behold beauty & ignite joy. Art Stories &
Fantastical Expressions
Step Inside 0{{current_slide_index}}
keyboard_arrow_up click the Frame to switch between genres
ornate gold picture frame bright orange poppies are rendered with stained glass outlines willow branches are reflected in a lily pad sprinkled pond man holding lit birthday cake with a cat in a bow tie and other fanciful objects come to life dense layering of fantastical shapes with eyeballs tightly wound colorful bands emanate from the center

Art: To Escape, Be Encouraged & to Remind you,
You Are Not Alone!
Bob Anderson is a Chicago artist who is passionate about, and dedicated to, exploring the inner & outer world with his art. Come and explore his work.

Whether painting a frustration or beautiful scene, he is unafraid to tackle either one. He wants to encourage you, also. To paint, to look within, to see & be grateful for who you are.
smiling blond man stands before a painting of a mountainous landscape

Abstracts reflect my inner energy, my emotions and what's going on inside of me. Abstract Art Landscapes express my appreciation and love for the beauty that is all around us.
Surreal Surreal paintings express my frustrations in life. Murals Custom work
to reflect your taste
deep jewel toned bands of color gently swirl on a black background three wooden boats bob quietly on a mountainside lake a posed group of ghostly and terrifying humans in various stages of psychological trauma ancient cloister hallway

Bob Anderson Art
for your environment
Uplifts and expresses the beauty of nature

Explores personal frustrations & emotions

Smashes expectations

Makes you smile
Sun Drenched Fields 2' high x 4' wide Secret Garden Shop this design on Threadless 36" high x 30" wide Crazy Talk 2' high x 30" wide Fluidity 48" high x 36" wide And the Angels Cried 2' high x 30" wide Down South 20" high x 24" wide My Childhood 5' high by 4' wide
a field of colorful flowers is lit golden by the sun mockup of the angels cried in a home environment a windmill and small red shed is nestled in a vibrant garden of tightly planted vegetables

Art Stories and Fantastical Expressions

The result of an artist who paints from both pain and humor.

Challenge Yourself

These days, we all need a break away from reality, yes?
Do you need an art escape, without leaving home?

Come Along!